Letter B of Fitness!
Breaking the myths!
These days any information one needs and more is easily available, but how accurate is it? Get your facts right!
Are you starving yourself on the latest XYZ diets and don't see that weighing scale move? Are you killing it by pumping iron in the gym and don't see any change what so ever in that body? You have tirelessly signed up for those 30 day challenges and are on the verge of breaking your spine but don't see any effect? Well, let's cut the drama! Let's get back to reality and facts! What works for me will not necessarily work for you. We are each made unique in our body types and metabolism. Run check on some of the common myths on fitness below-
· Running will damage your knees! (On the contrary, continuous exercise will keep the joints healthy)
· Sweating more means you are burning more! (Sweating is the body's way of cooling off and not a gauge for fat loss)
· Lifting weight will make you Miss Bulky! (Those weights will only help build your strength and confidence and not make a She –hulk out of you)
· The best time to work out is in the morning! (Absolutely anytime of the day that works for you is the best time)
· Fat can be converted to muscle! (By far this is one of my favorites! Fats and muscles are two entirely different kinds of tissues. By engaging in a good workout, one can certainly reduce the fat tissue and build muscle tissue but there are not inter convertible)
· Exercise is the only way to lose weight! (Well, yes but no! You are what you eat! So work on that diet and combine with a good workout to reap the benefits)
Balanced food and sleep
Fitness doesn’t come without the added inputs! A healthy body needs a good balanced diet which includes a source of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the right proportions, besides vitamins, minerals and adequate water intake. Besides a good balanced diet, a good night’s sleep is incredibly crucial for maintaining a healthy you; in fact just as important as a healthy diet and exercise. With the advent of technology and smart phones, we have actually given up on our natural sleeping patterns, sleeping lesser than usual! Sleep deprivation is being linked to be the leading cause for stress, depression, obesity, reduced immunity, reduced productivity and concentration besides reduced emotional and social interactions! So, in effect, a good night’s sleep is essential for optimal health. Go figure out how to make broccolis and berries tastier and pull that bean bag out J
Breaks and more
There will be high intensity workout days and there will be the extremely low days when you can’t seem to get any workout at all. Make the most of the days when things are going great but when it's not going the way you want it to, take a break. Don't beat yourself up. Cheat days will be there. No workout days are not necessarily the full stop in your fitness journey. Learn to relax and work on yourself. Mind and body both being important, get yourself in harmony on both levels.
Tough times never last! Tough people do!
Don't go bananas and expect super hero levels of workout after the break. Start gradually and allow yourself the time to get back into the rhythm. Just as a vacation can do wonders to that tired mind, a good break from a rigorous workout regime will benefit in the long run! So, go take that break!
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